Zničený styling, farba! Žiadna žena to nechce zažiť, veď každá túži vyjsť z kaderníctva s trendy účesom. Žiaľ, týmto kočkám sa to nepodarilo, dopadli katastrofálne.
Nechcela zatieniť nevestu, ale ako družička chcela byť tiež pekná. V luxusnom hotelovom rezorte si zaplatila za mejkap, aký sa nevidí každý deň!
I got married at a luxury resort during COVID times, and this is the look the not-cheap MUA tried on the MoH.
by u/Awesomocity0 in BadMUAs
Francúzska manikúra zo salónu! Takúto by sme nechceli ani zadarmo.
i rarely get my nails done so i was really disappointed when a local business completely ruined them. i went to another salon today and she fixed it right away!
by u/natalie_ck in Nails
Tak toto bolí!
Hrubé, nechutné, nevkusné. Robila to totálna amatérka…
So this nail tech does my friends nails, and her nails are friggin beautiful, so I went to the same lady. And god do they look HORRIBLE. They're all kinds of wonky and bumpy. I tried to fix them and now they look much better. I'll probably go to the same lady for a fill to see if she'll fix them up.
by u/_babypink_ in Nails